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Into The Ring Korean Drama Review (2020)

Into The Ring Korean Drama

Network: KBS2

Episode: 16

Genres: Romance, Comedy, Politics, Drama

Airing Date: July 1 – August 20, 2020

Airing Day: Wednesday & Thursday

Grade: A+

The first half of 2020 is full of suspense, thriller, and investigation, and this drama is out of this league because Into The Ring is a drama all about politics with the flavor of romance, drama, and comedy. 

Into The Ring is a story about poor young girl Goo Se Ra (Nana) who wants to jump into politics because of money. She was so determined to earn money, but later she revealed corrupt officers.

Into The Ring/ Memorials Korean Drama 2020 ...

Main Characters

Nana as Goo Se Ra

Nana as Goo Se Ra "Into the ring Korean drama" ...

In Into The Ring she played the role of 29 years old women. Se Ra has done many jobs after her graduation. She is also known as the ‘Queen of Civil Complaints’. She can’t stand for injustice this is the reason she frequently got fired from her jobs.

Park Sung Hoon as Seo Gong Myung

Park Sung Hoon as Seo Gong Myung  "Into The Ring/ Memorials Korean Drama" ...

In Into The Ring he played the role of a hard-working civil servant who can perform the various tasks at one time. He sticks to his principles no matter what and he does his job well as per the rules.

Yoo Da In as Yoo Hee Soo

Yoo Da In as Yoo Hee Soo “Into The Ring” | Koreanlovey

In Into The Ring she played the role of vice- Chairman at Mawon-gu office. She is a woman who have desire to change things as well gain something from it.

Ahn Nae Sang as Jo Maeng Deok

Ahn Nae Sang as Jo Maeng Deok

In Into The Ring he played the role of ex- chairman of the office, who has supreme control over the whole office and was a good friend of Goo Se Ra’s father.

Highlights of Into the ring Korean Drama

Boy In Trouble:

Boy In Trouble "Into The Ring/ Memorials Korean Drama" ...

Seo Gong Myung worked in the planning and budgeting department. Because of his blunt manner, he was transferred to direct contact with the citizen’s department and from there he was transferred to the department where he handles complaints digitally. Complain filled by a citizen known as “Tiger Moth”. He was unable to go home because of these complaints. Tiger Moth’s relentless complaints have caused previous civil servants to quit. Later he was transferred to the department of secretaries.

First Encounter:

First Encounter "Into The Ring/ Memorials Korean Drama" ..

One night Tiger Moth complained about the illegally parked car. Seo Gong Myung decided to confront that person at the site and Se Ra was that Tiger Moth person. Later that reporting case turned out to be an illegal gambling case that involves some local officials. That is when Seo Gong Myung meets Goo Se Ra for the first time. Later Goo Se Ra got a job at the same department in which Seo Gong Myung is working. Seo Gong Myung made her doing extra work so that she won’t have time for uploading complaints.

Girl In Trouble:

Girl In Trouble "Into the ring" ...

Goo Se Ra again lost his latest job at Mawon-gu office because of her outspoken behavior and again became a victim of her mother’s immature behavior, her mother has 50 dollars worth loans to repay. Goo Se Ra needs to find out a new job for herself.

Father-Son Relationship:

Seo Gong Myung is Cho Maeng-Duk’s son after the death of his mother he left his father as well as his surname. After leaving his father, he decides to take over his mother surname “Seo”.

Strong Independent Women:

Strong Independent Women

When Goo Se Ra was struggling for finding a job, than she heard from Seo Gong Myung that one who runs for office gets 50 dollars in just 9 months. She decided to run for office, and no one on her side accepts her one friend. Later, her another friend and her mother joined her in the campaign. Her boyfriend Kim Min Jae (Han Joon Woo) who is secretary of Cho Maeng Duk doesn’t support her for this and hates her outspoken nature, so he decided to break up with her.

She Recognize Him:

Goo Se Ra and Seo Gong Myung are childhood friends

Goo Se Ra and Seo Gong Myung are childhood friends. When they were kids, they studied together. But later his parents shifted to another place so they lost touch. He was aware of who is Goo Sa Ra but, he was ignoring her on purpose. He also told her to back out from elections, but later he ends up helping her for all sorts of things.


Se Ra Winning "Into the ring"

Goo Se Ra worked really hard to get elected and finally she got elected as the district representative of Mawon-gu.


Goo Se Ra was outcast by other officials in the office because she is just an ordinary person. She worked on an ordinance with Yoon Hee Soo (Yoo Da In). At the time of presenting it for approval, Yoon Hee Soo gets her name out from the bill and put vice chairman’s name (also present acting chairman) for her own Benefit.

Getting Attention:

Se Ra finally gets attention from other officials when the office has to decide whether they should take a loan to run the financial year or no. There are 13 officials including, Se Ra 6-6 votes on each side and Se Ra has the power to change the decision. She knew that Mawon-gu office didn’t have the finance to manage their office, and it is also a possibility that they won’t get a salary. She runs for office because of money so she decided to vote for the motion. But Cho Maeng Duk (Ahn Nae Sang) turns the table he knew Se Ra’s intention and cast his vote as void. Later he also announced that all officials will not get any salary till the time situation gets stable.

Causing Trouble:

Causing Trouble

After elected Goo Sa Ra started getting complains and one of the complaints is from an old lady who lives near the golf court, there were no proper nets to protect golf balls to get out of the stadium, so all the balls drop nearby houses. An old lady wears a helmet throughout the day to protect herself from balls, she complained many times to the officials but none of them respond. Goo Se Ra asked the owner (who is one of the official) to take all precautions so that the balls do not go out of the stadium but she ignores her, but Goo Se Ra didn’t back out. Wanna know what she did next??? Than watch the drama.

Becoming Chairman:

Se Ra become chairman "Into The Ring/ Memorials Korean Drama"

Cho Maeng Duk (Ahn Nae Sang) plays his cards again, he convinces more than half of the officials to cast their votes in the favor of Goo Se Ra so that he can control her craziness by keeping an eye on her by assigning his secretary to her. But she chooses Seo Gong Myung as her secretary, he helped her in every task.

Lovey Dovey:

Gong Myung and Goo Se Ra started dating each other "Into the ring"

Seo Gong Myung and Goo Se Ra started dating each other, they look super cute together. Goo Se Ra shifted to his house because he was not feeling well and she sensed it. Goo Se Ra tells about this to her mother and asked her to keep it secret from her father. Later, when his father came to know about this he bought both of them to his house.

Step Down:

Cho Maeng-Duk made Goo Se Ra chairman

Cho Maeng Duk made Goo Se Ra chairman because of his own benefit. But when he realizes that she is of no use for him, he forces her to step down. Later he put charges of embezzlement, so she can step down from being district representative also.


Memorial Seo Gong Myung and Goo Se Ra

There was a fire accident at the Sarang resort in which many people died, and one of them is Gong Myung’s brother. In the remembrance of those dead people, officials create a memorial there. When they redeveloped that area to a smart city they throw that memorial into the trash. Later Seo Gong Myung and Goo Se Ra find that memorial and asked the chairman to find a better place for it. Chairman got approval from the families who died in that incident to put a memorial at the storeroom for his own benefit. Later that memorial shifted to Minju Elementary School.

Regional Election:

One year is going to end, and Goo Se Ra is not interested in politics anymore this. She asked Son Eun Sil to run for election who already has seen defeat twice. Initially, she denied but Goo Se Ra convinced her and she won the elections.

Overall Thoughts on Into The Ring:

I find this drama really interesting though I’m not kind of people who is into politics. They have shown local politics with other flavors like romance, drama and comedy. I like parts where Goo Se Ra took stand for herself as well as for others. She did craziest things to put her views. I think Nana has done justice to her role. You can also also watch this drama on Viki.

review: Into the ring 2020

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