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6 Korean Dramas to Binge Watch This Weekend

6 Korean Dramas to Binge Watch This Weekend

6 Korean Dramas to Binge Watch This Weekend are Love to Hate You, Delivery Man, Duty After School, The Glory Season 2, and Divorce Attorney Shin.

We always crave for watching something new, unique, and short. So here are some Korean Dramas you can binge-watch on weekends with your friends or on your own.

Love To Hate You (2023)

6 Korean Dramas to Binge Watch This Weekend

Network: Netflix

Episodes: 10

Genre: Romance, Comedy

Cast: Kim Ok-Vin, Yoo Teo, Kim Ji-Hoon, Go WOn-Hee

Synopsis: Love to Hate You Korean Drama does just not tell you about the love-hate relationship between the two couples but it also shows how people see women at the workplace, as weak sex, and how a woman defends herself by being strong. A woman who fights her battle-dated n number of guys but never falls for anyone. A man who developed a disorder (faces difficulty in breathing when in physical contact with any woman) after his first love ditch him and leave him alone.

Duty After School (2023)

Network: TVING

Episode: 6

Genre: Action, Thriller, Drama, Sci-Fi

Cast: Shin Hyun-soo, Lee Soon-won

Synopsis: Duty After School Korean drama is about high school students who are in the last year of their school and preparing for college admission but due to alien attacks, they have to join the army and fight against the unknown creature.

Delivery Man (2023)

Delivery Man

Network: ENA ViuTV

Episode: 13

Genre:  Mystery, Comedy, Romance, Supernatural

Cast: Yoon Chan Young, Bang Min Ah, Kim Min Seok

Synopsis: Delivery Man Korean Dramas is about a man who drives a taxi and help ghosts to the afterlife by completing their wish.

Divorce Attorney Shin (2023)

Network: Netflix, jTBC, TVING

Episode: 12

Genre:  Law, Drama, Friendship

Cast: Cho Seung-woo, Han Hye-jin, Kim Sung-kyun, Jung Moon-sung ,

Synopsis: Divorce Attorney Shin Korean Drama is about a lawyer who was previously teaching piano in Germany and has up on his dream and started his career as a divorce Attorney. Wants to know why because he has to protect someone and that someone is his nephew.

The Glory Seasons 2 (2023)

6 Korean Dramas to Binge Watch This Weekend

Network: Netflix

Episodes: 8

Genre: Crime, Revenge

Cast: Song Hye-Kyo, Lee Do-Hyun, Lim Ji-Yeon, Park Sung-Hoon

Synopsis: Moon Dong-eun (Song Hye-kyo) who have a dream of becoming an architect but unfortunately became a victim of school bullying. She decided to drop out of school and make several plans to take revenge.

Queenmaker (2023)

6 Korean Dramas to Binge Watch This Weekend

Network: Netflix

Episodes: 11

Genre: Business, Drama, Political

Cast: Kim Hee Ae, Moon So Ri

Synopsis: This is the story of two women who are stubborn and talented to achieve what they want. This drama shows how witty a woman can be when she is determined to achieve something. If you like a political drama than go for it.

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