Times Korean Drama Review (2021)

Times Korean Drama

Network: OCN

Episodes: 12

Genre: Crime, Thriller, Fantasy, Political, and Sci-Fic

Airing Date: February 20- March 28, 2021

Airing Day: Wednesday & Thrusday

Grade: A++

Times Korean drama tells the story of reporters who put themselves in danger to save the life of the president of the Country and a misunderstanding changed there life’s completely.

Main Characters:

Lee Seo-jin as Lee Jin-woo

He is a journalist who supports honesty and exposes corrupt officials. He is not afraid of anyone and his only focus was to reveal the truth of corrupt officials.

Lee Joo-young as Seo Jung-in

Seo Jung-in is a reporter and daughter of South Korea’s new president Seo Gi Tae. She tries to save his father from danger and while doing that she puts herself in danger.

Kim Yeong-cheol as Seo Gi-tae

He is the president of South Korea and the father of Seo Jung-in.

Moon Jeong-hee as Kim Young-joo

She is like the aunt of Seo Jung-in and takes care of her after her father’s death. She also helped her father in elections in short she is a minion of Seo Gi-tae.

Highlights of Times Korean Drama


It was Seo Jung-in’s birthday (the year 2015) her father gave her a birthday surprise. He recently become the president of the country. She left the house for work and suddenly open her eyes at a different office (the year 2019) where she get to know that her father died four years ago. She was all confused because one day ago she was celebrating her birthday with him and now everyone is saying that he is no more.

Accepting Reality:

She accepted the reality that her father is dead and taking psychological treatment for the last year. But she wants to reinvestigate his father’s murder case again because as a reporter she wasn’t convinced with the case results.

A Call:

Seo Jung-in got a call from Lee Jin-woo who asked her to meet near her father’s election rally. She thought he is making fun of her but after investigating she came to know that she is talking to Lee Jin-woo of the year 2015 who died in a car accident. She makes a deal with him that if he will save her father’s life then in return, she will tell when and how he will die so he can avoid it.

Things Gone Wrong:

Lee Jin-woo agreed to help her and saved her father from getting shot in the year 2015 but things went wrong his father was murdered after few days by a man whose daughter died in a drink and hit case. Seo Gi-tae was the suspect of that case. Lee Jin-woo again tried to save him and this time he goes against his best friend who is trying to kill Seo Gi-tae. Finally, he saved Seo Gi-tae’s life.


A misunderstanding changed their life completely. In the year 2015, Lee Jin-woo came to know that Seo Gi-tae killed his brother, and to take revenge he wants to become president in the year 2021. Lee Jin-woo trying his best to reveal his true colors meanwhile Seo Gi-tae trying his best to hide it. Seo Jung-in left his job and join TIMES to reveal the truth.

Overall Thoughts on Times Korean Drama

This drama is perfect like you will travel with time back and forth, plus this drama will not confuse you. There are a few plot twists you can’t even guess. I will suggest you watch this drama and for increasing your excitement to watch it I wanna say that Seo Gi-tae was not the one who killed Lee Jin-woo’s brother.

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